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Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

The Illustrated of Deucht East Indie Era (1920s)

Ancient illustrations of naked

Ancient illustrations of Tarzan (1949)

Penghapus Pensil (Picture Erasers)

Remember this pencil erasers?Yes, it has not so ancient, but now these things are hard to come by.Are you interested?
Masih ingat penghapus pensil ini 'kan?
Ya memang belum begitu kuno, tapi saat inibarang tersebut sudah sulit didapat.Anda berminat ?

Calendar Year 1929

Old Calender product by H.D. Mac Gillavry, Ambarawa, Central Java, Indonesia (1929)

Dewi Kwan Im 1

Ukuran : 60 cm
Kondisi : istimewa
Harga/Price : Nego
Keistimewaan : Pahatan halus dan detail.

Patung St. Yoseph

Material : Terracota
Kondisi : Istimewa
Ukuran : tinggi 1,40 m
Keistimewaan : guratan pahat detail dan halus.
